
I am Nicole Clark, CEO and co-founder of Trellis, and want to give you an example of how artificial intelligence is being implemented in the legal profession. On May 16, 2014, a technician contracted by EST Downtown received a work order from his supervisor requesting that he remove a bird’s nest from a gutter. When he arrived at the building, he climbed an 8-foot ladder, which shifted after a bird flew out from the nest. The technician fell to the ground, sustained serious injuries, and filed a lawsuit against EST Downtown, alleging violations of New York State Labor Law. A bird, and its nest, flung two parties into a courtroom, commencing one of the thousands ...
Protecting New York Employee: The Urgent Need for the Wage Payment Integrity Act In our ongoing commitment to safeguard the rights and wages of New York’s employees, NELA-NY is championing a pivotal piece of legislation: the Wage Payment Integrity Act (S4973A/A5348A). This Act introduces essential measures to combat wage theft, an issue that plagues too many New Yorkers. Here’s why every New Yorker should stand behind this vital legislation. Ending Wage Kickbacks It’s unacceptable for employers to demand that employees return part of their hard-earned wages. The Wage Payment Integrity ...